How to Install PHOENIX Rapidfire

How to Install PHOENIX Rapidfire

These instructions are appropriate for the installation of PHOENIX Rapidfire on a single computer. 

Before proceeding you are encouraged to check with your agency's PHOENIX Support Coordinators as PHOENIX Rapidfire may be distributed or installed specially within your organisation.


The following steps must be followed, and are described in more detail below:

  1. Obtain a copy of the PHOENIX Rapidfire distribution
  2. Install the distribution
  3. Set up the data necessary to run PHOENIX Rapidfire

1. Obtaining PHOENIX Rapidfire

Fire Prediction Services distributes PHOENIX Rapidfire installation packages to licensed PHOENIX Support Coordinators within each organisation.  You should have been provided access to the installation package by your support coordinator.  If you are a support coordinator and are seeking the distribution, you can obtain it from the Level 2 Support Portal (You must login to access the Level 2 Support Portal).

Fire Prediction Services provides the installation package in 2 forms:

  1. A Microsoft Windows installer, in a file named something like phoenix-4.1.3-setup.exe
  2. A zip package, in a file, named something like phoenix-4.1.3-distribution.zip

Ultimately it does not matter which of the two installation packages you have, they each have their own advantages, but both install the same copy of PHOENIX Rapidfire.

2. Installing the distribution

Windows installer distribution

The Windows Installer will copy the files to a location of your choosing, add PHOENIX to your start menu, and provide a means for Uninstalling it. 

You must have administrator rights to be able to run this installer.

To install using the Windows installer just double-click on the executable and follow the prompts.

To run the application after installation you can do so from the Start Menu.

Zip package distribution

The zip package is just a compressed set of files waiting for you to uncompress it.

Uncompress the zip package into a folder of your choosing, and then you can run the application by double-clicking on the phoenix.exe file.

3. Setting up for your first run

The installation packages from Fire Prediction Services do not contain the data necessary for PHOENIX Rapidfire to perform a successful simulation.

Please follow the instructions contained within the PHOENIX Input Data Guide.  

It is quite likely that you will need to obtain agency-specific data from your PHOENIX Support Coordinator.

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