When running a simulation Phoenix obtains input data from 3 sources.
- Data entered into the application directly, and saved in the project file,
- Files in the Gridded_Weather directory, and
- Files in the Data directory.
This document describes the data files that are obtained from the Gridded_Weather and Data directories.
The Gridded Weather directory is expected to contain NetCDF files obtained from the BOM.
The Data directory contains a variety of possible input layers that must be created by hand.
Gridded Weather
TBD - populate this section with a description of how to use the weather downloader
Refer to the manual for how to use weather entered directly into the UI/project file
Data layers
General Requirements
- All data layers must be in the same coordinate system, and this must be a map grid projection (grid reference in metres) not a geographic one (latitude and longitude in degrees).
In Victoria, we suggest using "VicGrid 94" which is a Lambert Conformal Conic Projection with a GDA 94 reference Datum.
Across Australia, we suggest "Geoscience Australia Lambert 94" projection which is a Lambert Conformal Conic Projection with a GDA 94 reference Datum. - The only data layer that MUST be provided is the Fuel Layer.
However, other layers make the simulation much more realistic. - As all data layers must be in the same coordinate system only one projection file is required.
The default name of this file is: "Data.prj" and is best located in the root "Data" directory.
The format of the projection file conforms to the requirements of ESRI ArcGIS 9.
Possible input layers
Phoenix will detect, and use, the following input layers if they are found in the Data directory:
- Fuel Layer
- Digital Elevation Model
- Disruption Layer
- Fire History Layer
- Wind Modifiers Layer
- Assets Layer
TBD - pull more out of both PHOENIX_data_preparation_20080413.pdf and Phoenix User Manual