Knowledge Base

Welcome to the Help and Support Portal for PHOENIX RapidFire.

What is PHOENIX RapidFire?

PHOENIX Rapidfire is an application that simulates the spread of wildfire across the landscape.

The simulation implements a fire characterisation model capturing detail such as flame height, intensity, size, ember density and asset impact throughout the simulation process.

PHOENIX Rapidfire is available under licence from Fire Prediction Services.


This website contains the most up-to-date version of all documentation provided by Fire Prediction Services.

For new users
Technical documentation

Further Support

Should the documentation above be insufficient for your needs there are other avenues for obtaining assistance.

Every Licencing Agency has in-house people known as Phoenix Support Coordinators - real people, in-house, who are experts in PHOENIX Rapidfire.

Contact information for your PHOENIX Support Coordinators will have been made available by your Agency, and is not found on this website.

Level 2 Support Portal

Agency PHOENIX Support Coordinators can access the Level 2 support portal /wiki/spaces/SUP/overview.

Commercial Access Portal

PHOENIX Administrators holding a Commercial Licence can access the Commercial Access Portal /wiki/spaces/COM/overview.